Printable Habit Tracker

Printable habit tracker
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Tracking your habits is an effective way to stay committed to your goals and not fall off the wagon.

It is the things we do on a regular basis, big or small, that help us move forward and achieve our goals. Consistency is the key to success.

A habit tracker can help you adopt new habits and stay on track.

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Printable habit tracker

What is a Habit Tracker?

A habit tracker is a handy tool to track your daily, weekly, or monthly habits.

You simply write down the habits you want to adopt and mark them off each day that you stick to your new habit. It is a very simple, yet effective method to actually commit to doing things regularly.

Why Should You Use a Habit tracker?

Printable habit tracker

There are many things we all want to do in our life.

Maybe, you want to start a healthy diet, take up a new hobby, or learn a new language. It is not something you can do in a day, it is a long process, that requires patience and perseverance. You need to be committed to it to reach your end goal.

Unfortunately, building new habits is tough and it is so easy to fall off track. Busy schedules, lack of time, and motivation push the goal further and further away.

That is where a habit tracker comes in! It will help you adopt new habits and turn them into routines.

A habit tracker has many benefits, such as:

  • Tracks your progress
  • Helps develop self-discipline
  • Provides visual motivation
  • Helps you get more organized
  • Increases self-awareness.

Habit Tracker Ideas

Printable habit tracker

If you are not sure where to start, here are some ideas, that you can add to your habit tracker.

Pick a couple of things, that are important to you and you want to turn into a habit. You can always add more later.

Habit tracker ideas:

  • Wake up earlier
  • Go to bed on time
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Try a new recipe
  • Drink more water
  • Exercise more
  • Go for a daily walk
  • Read more
  • Take vitamins
  • Floss your teeth
  • Have a me-time
  • Practice a new skill
  • Engage in a hobby
  • Practice self-care
  • Drink less coffee
  • Spend less money

Free Printable Habit Tracker

I have created this free printable habit tracker to help you build new habits and stay committed to them.

The habit tracker has a simple design. It comes in pink and there is also a black and white version.

You can track up to 20 habits.

Simply, write down all of the habits you want to create and mark off a box for each day you have completed it.

Printable habit tracker




Please note, that this printable is for personal non-commercial use only.

I hope this printable habit tracker will help you adopt new positive habits and stay committed to them!

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