How to Create a Relaxing Night Routine

How to create a relaxing night routine
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How do you spend your time before going to sleep? Chances are you stay up late to watch another episode of your current favorite TV show, scroll through social media, or watch some funny cat videos online.

As a result, you go to bed feeling anxious and agitated. This often leads to tossing and turning and poor sleep quality in general. Such habits result in sleep deprivation, stress, and fatigue.

Creating a relaxing night routine can help you end the day and prepare your mind and body for sleep. A regular routine will help you improve the quality of your sleep, and make you feel more rested and energized the next day. You will start your morning feeling in control of your life and will be focused and productive during the day.

Use the time before you go to bed to relax and unwind. How much time you need depends totally on you, but give it at least 15-30 minutes to calm your mind. Repeating the same procedures each night will help you prepare for bed and have a good night’s rest.

Below I’ve put together some suggestions on how to create a relaxing night routine for better sleep and a more productive day.

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Relaxing night routine

1. Follow a Sleep Schedule

A consistent sleep schedule is key to a good night’s rest. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is beneficial for your health.

With a consistent schedule, you’ll fall asleep faster and wake up more easily. There’s also a lesser chance of insomnia, because your body knows, that it’s time to call it a night.

2. No Electronic Devices

You probably know, that blue light suppresses melatonin (the hormone that makes you feel sleepy). When you watch TV late at night, the blue light basically forces your brain to stay alert.

So it is best to put away your smartphone, tablet, and laptop and look into other activities to help you wind down.

3. Self-Care

Taking care of your body is a great way to prepare for bed.

Take a warm shower, brush your teeth, and floss. Remove your makeup properly, and apply face and body cream. Apply nail wax or cuticle oil to your nails. Use a face mask a couple of times a week, and of course, enjoy the process.

4. Release Tension From Your Body

Leave the stress behind and do some simple exercises. It is best to save intensive workouts for the daytime and do some light stretches, self-massage, or bedtime yoga.

This will calm you down and relax your body.

5. Journal

When millions of thoughts are running through your head, it’s hard to ease into sleep. Journaling allows to clear the mind, lessens anxiety, and relieves stress.

6. Read a Book

Reading is an escape for a busy mind, that helps you leave the day behind. Reading slows down your breathing and heart rate and makes you feel calmer. This is very beneficial for quality sleep.

7. Engage in a Hobby

Spend time on a hobby, that can help you calm down after a busy day. Engaging in a hobby allows you to disconnect from the daily stress and enjoy the moment.

Pick up something, that doesn’t require a lot of preparation or equipment. You can look into puzzles, coloring books for adults, knitting, lettering, painting by numbers, etc.

RELATED POST: Creative Hobby Ideas for Women


A relaxing night routine can be very beneficial for a healthy mind and body. I hope you found these tips on how to create a relaxing night routine useful!

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